Customer Reviews
Need improvement of your website. The cart what I saved today shown vacant after some days. Another thing is that it needs more fish variety to be added. Rest are well maintained.
Debopriyo Banerjee
Good service
I have order from Silchar Assam but I get all plant live except one plant but I happy by their services and package.
Fazal Choudhury
no words words no words Just want to say it's amazing... @@@@jai shri shyam@@@@ Nikhil Garg, Chandigarh [email protected]
Nikhil Garg
I had ordered guppies and got them in good condition. Thanks Bunnycart. Please include more fish varieties from Cichlid varieties too.
All plants courtesy Bunnycart. The experience mostly have been pleasant apart from a couple of hiccups where the incorrect plants were shipped however healthy.
Kaushik Biswas